Saturday, October 26th
Romans 8:1-13. Luke 13:1-9

The Son Man pleads constantly before the Father for the souls of those who, not responding to the Father’s loving Word and call are moribund and good for nothing save death. For them I died as well as for the spiritually weak and those who fall along the way or turn aside and fail in faithfulness and self-giving but give lip-service to Him who loved them into being.

All who are in me and I in them are liberated from ‘the law of sin and death’, enlivened ad inspired by Our Holy Spirit and made Our harbingers of joy and hope according to the Father’s will and loving purpose as they continue steadfast in the way and faithful in Our love and leading.

What point is there in life if it does not glorify the Father in His being and offer time and opportunity to serve Him, led and guided by Our Holy Sprit? There is no point or purpose save that which is individually and unproductively rejected by the spiritually dead. The redeemed and sanctified in Our love are eternally alive in Our Presence and brought to the joy and fulness of the Father in eternity.