Saturday, October 12th
Joel 4:13-21. Luke11:27-28

Joy, perfection and fulfilment is the reward of all who, hearing the word of the Most High, respond in faith and trust and absolute self-giving. I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and His Incarnate Love, enter the heart and mind of all who look and listen for the Word the Father offers, and I enable and empower all who seek the Father’s will and loving purpose and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

The Father’s will is justice, peace, compassion perfection and fulfilment for one and all in the Father’s world, each one of His beloved sons and daughters receiving and contributing to the wellbeing of their brothers and their sisters near and far.

All refusing to respond to the Father’s will and loving purpose for the world and everything and everyone born in it reap the reward of their own sowing and they will grieve the heart of the Son of Man and the Most High until the end of time when all the faithful will be gathered in.