Monday, October 28th
St Simon and St. Jude

Beloved of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are part of the holy household of the Most High. Called to the courts of Him who loved you into being you glorify Him and grow in the strength and power of His appointing as you respond to His word in the grace and power of His love. I speak to every one who dies to sin, self will and self promotion and offers all they have and all they are to the Father and His will and loving purpose.

Be faithful, then, in all things and seek the Father’s will in all you think and say and do. So will you grow in the Father’s Kingdom of eternal ife and light and love and be ready and prepared to serve Him through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. And you will recognise the faithful in Our love in your coming and your going and relate to them in and through Our love.

You are called to be Our life and light and truth, Our healing and Our joy to all to whom We send you in the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love. Pray constantly that the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will be fulfilled in you and in all who follow faithfully in the way.