Monday, December 30th
1 John 2:18-21. Luke 1:1-18

I am that I am: before Abraham was I am and I am the Alpha and the Omega of all things created, for so the Most High has appointed. And I am the Light that shines in the darkness of the unrevealed bringing life and light and truth to all who seek the way to progress, perfection, and fulfilment in the will and loving purpose of the Lord of All.

The Word spoken in every heart and mind and to all families, nations and peoples is to purify and lead and bring to perfection and fulfilment in the Presence of the Lord of All on earth and in heaven. But there needs must be a listening and response if progress is to be made in the one and many, a turning from all that separates the loved ones from Him who loved them into being. All who turn, receive, and give themselves in faith and trust to the Word made Flesh are brought to Him and, through Our Holy Spirit, to the perfection and the fulness of the Most High in His Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and love to live with Father, Son and Holy Spirit in joy for evermore.