Monday, December 23rd
Malachi 3:1-4,23-24. Luke 1:57-66

‘Open up your heart and mind before me . Let nothing come between your soul and My Presence that My redeeming, sanctifying love may purify and cleanse your whole being’. So speaks the Most High, Lord of All, to every one of His beloved sons and daughters.

To all who give themselves to Him who loved them into being all is given in the fulnessof eternity. In the present they are called to enter in the Kingdom of eternal life and light and love in and through the grace and power of My indwelling and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit. And having entered they are called to seek the Father’s will and loving purpose in faith and trust and absolute self-giving and follow in the steps of the Son of the Man even to the end.

I, the Son of Man, the Word and Love of the Most glorious Lord of All, am with the faithful and the true of heart through time and in eternity. With all the faithful in Our love prepare your whole self to receive again the Supreme Gift of the His Son, for I come that all the faithful and obedient in Our love may have life and have it in abundance and in joy.