Friday, December 20th
Isaiah 7:10-14. Luke 1:26-38

The Kingdom of the living God is your heavenly Father’s gift to all in His created world who recognise His powerful, all-inclusive Love, receive it and through the grace and power of Our indwelling respond to it as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. And I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, come to one and all who open heart and mind to their Lord and God Eternal and offer all they have and all they are to the loving purpose of Him who loved them into being and calls them to perfection ad fulfilment in His glorious Presence in eternity.

Seek purity of heart and mind and listen in the sound of gentle stillness that the Word spoken in your soul may grow and become your heavenly Father’s Word to all you meet along the way. Such is the will of the Most High for each and very one of His beloved sons and daughters. The purity and self-giving of My beloved Mother the pattern and the progress for one and all long the way.