Wednesday, December 25th
Christmas Day

Isaiah 52:7-10. Hebrews1:1-6. John 1:1-18

Word of the Father, spoken by Love through and in the power of Love, entering in all that is or was or ever shall be, redeems, and in and through Our Holy Sprit sanctifies all who respond to Love in faith and trust and self-giving. This is Truth for every one of the sons and daughters of the Most High. Love creates and saves and sanctifies in and through the Word of the Most High, in time and through eternity.

The Word is true and strong and powerful to fulfil the will and loving purpose of the Most High, father of all born into the created world. Through law and precept proceeding from the Most High many were and are brought to the threshold of the heavenly Father’s Presence. Through the Incarnate Word they are offered entry into the NearerPresence and His ever-loving arms as they give themselves to Him through and in the grace and power of Our indwelling. For the Word was made flesh and lives in and among the faithful to The Word and obedient in Love. Believe and trust, trust and believe. Receive and give, give and receive. ‘No-one has ever seen God : it is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made Him known’. (John 1:18)