Tuesday, April 3rd
Isaiah 49:1-6. John 13:21-33, 36-38

The will and loving purpose of the Most High is fulfilled in all who give themselves to His word in the grace and power of His love. Conceived before time was or anything created the ongoing purpose for the One in time is the fulfilment of the one and many in time and through eternity as it is accepted and made the linchpin of all life and living. As it is for each and every beloved son and daughter of the Most High so is it supremely for His only-begotten Son, beloved and loving, who through His life and death and risen life and obedience to His heavenly Father redeemed and – with and through Our Holy Spirit – sanctifies all faithful in the way of self-giving love.

Pray constantly that the loving purpose of the Father be fulfilled in you, in all you love and pray for, and in the Father’s world that you may become a vessel of the Father’s light for others. I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters.