Thursday, April 12th
Acts 3:11-26. Luke 24:35-48

The Word of the living God, spoken before time was or anything created, is for everyone born into the world, challenging one and all to respond in faith and self-giving. Sharing with the Most High in creation the Word entered in to restore its pristine beauty and perfection according to the will and loving purpose of the Lord of all Creation.

You are called, your brothers and your sisters near and far are called - in and through the response, faithfulness and obedience given – to share in continual creation and re-creation as they and you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

I, beloved and loving Son of the Most High am Love Incarnate and The Incarnate Word in the world. Entering in the created world in time I lived a human life and, through My life and death and risen life, I bring all obedient to the Father’s word and faithful in and through His love to perfection and fulfilment in the Presence of the Most High in time and through eternity as they receive and give in the grace and power of Our indwelling.