Tuesday, April 10th
Acts 2:36-41. John 20:11-18

Learn from the pattern and the message of My incarnate life; be challenged and made holy by and through My death and receive the joy and power of My risen life to bring you to the Father and perfect you in the way as you continue faithful in Our love.

This message and invitation is from the Father by and through Incarnate Love who also is His Incarnate Word. His will and loving purpose is to draw all obedient to His word and faithful in His love to Himself as they receive His precious and eternal Gift into themselves and give themselves to His purpose in the grace and power of His love.

Pray constantly to understand this truth and to be increasingly led and guided by Our Holy Spirit as you seek to follow in the way we offer you.

I, the true light which lightens everyone born into the loving Father’s world am the Way, the Truth the Life. Receive the life, be challenged by the truth and follow in the way in and through the grace and power of Our indwelling.