Saturday, April 14th
Acts 4:3-21. Mark 16:9-15

‘Where two or three are gathered together in My Name there am I in the midst of them’. (Matthew 18:20). As it was in My incarnate days so is it now and shall be through all eternity. I bring light and life and truth to all receiving Me. Such is the Father’s will and loving purpose for one and all. I am in and with the one seeking to know, receive, and obey the Father’s word, and with all who come together to honour, love and serve Him who loves and empowers all who respond in the grace and power of My love and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

In this knowledge and commitment ‘pray for increase, and let it be that on which you shall depend for the accomplishing of that which the Father, Lord of All, wills and purposes’. The Most High, creator and lord of all in earth and heaven calls one and all to go out to the whole world and proclaim the good news to all creation through and in the grace and power of Our light and leading.