Saturday, July 7th
Genesis 27:1-5, 15-29. Matthew 9:14-17

Deceit is deadly and if unrepented destroys the soul of all involved in it. Nor does it further the interest of those who use it for advance in material things in life and living. All who seek to grow and prosper must seek to serve Him who calls them into life eternal in truth and love and righteousness.

The Father constantly looks for the return of all who choose to leave the way of truth and justice and receives them back into the Kingdom of His love as they reject the way of sin and service of the self.

I call all who leave the path of righteousness and love into he fulness of the Father’s loving purpose for them in the power of My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Such is the way to joy and progress in eternal life in the company of all faithfully committed and obedient in the way.