Monday, July 2nd
Thomas the Apostle
Ephesians 2:19-22. John 20:24-25

You are not alone, but by that same token you are not your own. Created by Love in the beginning you have been brought into the fulness of many years, provided for and protected in Our love and given opportunities of friendship, fellowship and service. And above all you have received the grace and power and blessing of My death and risen life along with all who have so aligned themselves in every place and time from the beginning. Your offerings are received as they are given and built into the fabric of the Father’s loving purpose for the one and many. And so it is for all faithfully committed in Our love through the grace and power of Our indwelling.

Be encouraged and challenged by the faith and courage of those who have trod the way before you. The Light which illumined their way is your Light too and your power for progress in eternal life,