Tuesday, July 3rd
Genesis 18:16-33. Matthew 8:18-22

You are your brother’s keeper: I speak to all. As you are loved and cared for by your Heavenly Father so must you live in love and compassionate relationship with all both near and far. You are called, and every one committed to Our saving, sanctifying love, to enable Our love to reach out to others through your faithfulness and constancy in the grace and power of our indwelling.
Pray to know the Father’s will in all things, great and small. So will Our Holy Spirit lead and guide you and make you an instrument of His loving purpose. Commitment must be total: your weakness is made strength in the power of Our love. And as you continue faithfully in the way of your appointment so shall it be given you to bear the one and many near and far to the Father on the wings of your intercession and your love.