Saturday, July 21st
Exodus 12:37-42 Mathew 12:14-21

All obedient to the word that they are given and faithful in the love which they are constantly offered are brought into the fulness of eternal life in the power of Incarnate Love Who also is The Incarnate Word. This is the truth for each child of man in every place and time.

Healing and wholeness are given as they are sought according to the Father’s will and loving purpose. Those who do not seek truth in trust and in self-giving and those who follow paths of selfishness and self-interest are lost to life and light and joy unless they turn and are re-instated in the way.

In quietness and confidence the way is found and light and life and strength given to follow. I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love am The Way, The Truth, The Life and – with Our Holy Spirit – bring all faithfully committed in Our love to fulness in the glorious Presence of him who called you into being.