Saturday, July 14th
Genesis 49:29-32. 50:15-26. Matthew 10:24-33

Do not expect an easy road to travel if you are following in the steps of the Son of Man. I, the Father’s Son, beloved and loving, suffered from the ignorance and cruelty of sinful men in My incarnate life: expect to share the privilege of sacrifice and so identify with My redeeming work. So will you rejoice when all is ended, the work is done and the faithful and committed gathered in.

There is no cause for fear or for discouragement: I am with you always, even to the end of time. The Father has created you and is continually creating you in His image and through My re-creating love and Our Holy Spirit’s sanctifying action in your soul you are brought to fulfilment in eternity as you continue faithful. All identifying with the Father’s will and loving purpose are given to share in the cosmic and joyful work to rejoice in Us for evermore.