Monday, May 8th
Acts 11:1-18. John 10:1-10

The Father sent Me to His world to redeem and save it. That which He had made and is continually creating inevitably loses identity, integrity and purpose until offered to Our saving, sanctifying love through Our indwelling. The natural world is continually renewed through Our Holy Spirit. Mankind is given choice to accept or to refuse the grace and power of his renewal.

To enable and empower the sons of men to enter life eternal in the glorious Presence of the Father the Father's beloved, His Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, entered the human situation by taking on the fulness of humanity - in all things save sin. I revealed the truth, I healed and ministered to the one and many, I suffered, died and was raised up by the Father . All this I did for each child of man that each may, through My saving love and the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit know the Father and grow into the fulness of reality as he continued faithful.