Thursday, May 18th
Acts 15:7-21. John 15:9-11

Receive the love which continually I offer you, the love uniting Me with the Father in the bonding of Our Holy Spirit. So will you live in Us and We in you as you are faithful and obedient.

It is the Father's will and loving purpose that this should be so. In My incarnate life I sought the Father's will in all things and was enabled to identify and do it in the power of Our love. So is it with My followers and with all committed to the truth in love and in self-giving to the Creator and the Lord of all that is or was or ever shall be . Through My life and death and in the grace and power of My risen life you are brought into the perfection and fulness of Our love as you are faithful and obedient. And your faithfulness and obedience are made perfect in Our love.