Wednesday, May 10th
Acts 12:24013:5. John 12:14-50

The Father and I are one. He who sees Me sees the Father too: He who is in the Father is also in Me. This is both mystery and palpable truth for those who grow in love and love in them. As I am light so do I reveal the truth: I am the Truth , the Way, the Life, and I love into eternal life all who invite me into heart and mind to judge and save them. Love is both Judge and Saviour.

I, the Father's Word Incarnate who also is Incarnate Love, make all things well for all who are in Me and I in them according to the Father's will and loving purpose. Each child of man responding to the Word of Truth and Love within his heart and mind I save and - with Out Holy Spirit - sanctify and bring to life eternal in the glorious Presence of the Father with angels and archangels and with all the souls made perfect in Our love.