Sunday, May 14th
Acts 9:26-31.1 John 3:18-24. John 15:1-8

As you are in Me and I in you so do you become Our wisdom, love and power. There is no truth save from the Father, no understanding save through Our Holy Spirit: the Father's will and loving purpose is that you grow into that fulness and perfection He designed for you before time was and become a vibrant part of the Kingdom of His love in time and through eternity. Each one of the Father's beloved sons and daughters He creates with the potential and in this hope.

I, your Saviour and your friend, seek to fulfil in you the good purpose of the Father's perfect will. Invite Me into heart and mind and let Me speak in the deep places of your being. So shall I lead you to the precincts of the Father's Presence and unite you with the faithful of all times and places as you continue faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love.

I am the Vine, you are a branch: abide in Me and let Me bring you to the fulness of Eternal Love.