Monday, May 1st
Acts 8:8-15. John 6:22-29

Follow Me, beloved of the Father - I speak to one, I speak to all - follow where I lead and guide and seek from Me all that you need for fulfilment and perfection. Believe and trust, trust and believe: I will reveal to you the Father's will and loving purpose as you commit your mind and heart to Me, your soul to My indwelling.

I am the Bread of Life and I build up in life eternal all who feed on Me in prayer and sacrament and in the silence of eternity. I, the Way, the Truth, the life, bring you and all faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love to fulfilment and perfection - as you continue faithful - in the Father's Presence.

I, the Resurrection and the Life, enlighten and enliven you in time and through eternity.