Saturday, March 4th
St. Casmir
Philippians 3:8-16. John 15:9-17

As you seek My Presence in your heart and mind so shall I make My home in you and bring you to that faithfulness and obedience in love which is fulness and perfection. Such is the Father's will for you and his loving purpose for each and every one of His beloved sons and daughters. Believe and trust, trust and believe. Give increasing time each day to let Me centre in your soul, and in the sound of gentle stillness convey through My Presence and our Holy Spirit the Father's word to you and to the one and many.

This is both life and death - death to the natural self which often militates against the Father's will and loving purpose, but life in Us through My redemptive offering and resurrection life and Our Holy Spirit. As you die to self so will you live in Me, and as you identify with me in all things so do I bring you to the prize of your high calling.