Friday, March 24th
Hosea 14:2-10. Mark 12:28-34

Turn from sinfulness, waywardness and service of the self, beloved of the Father: I speak to everyone upon the face of the Father's glorious world. All need to turn, and constantly - some from perversity and evil ways but all from lack of seeking the Father's will and loving purpose and failure in faithfulness in the way.

And as you turn you will receive forgiveness for past sins and faults and failures, light for the path ahead, strength for the journey and growth in the realisation of Our love. In this way many have travelled and many travel still. The journey is life-long, the way is sometimes hard and challenging. But I have trod the way before you and My Presence is with you now and all the way, as you desire and seek it.

Receive Our saving, sanctifying love that you may love and serve the Father and your brothers and your sisters in His world.

Pray 'maranatha'.