Monday, March 27th
Isaiah 65:17-21. John 4:43-54

The Father has created all in love, and in love I have redeemed it. But to enjoy and profit from Our creative and Our re-creative love each beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father must offer all he has and all he is to that which prompts and leads and enables him. And this must be a constant process in the life of each one who seeks fulfilment and perfection And it is a life-time occupation

But We - the Father, Our Holy .Spirit and I, await the turning and the constant renewal of the commitment in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. From this creative and re-creative process come growth and renewal of the one and many and health and healing of all in touch with it.

Pray constantly to become an increasingly committed part in this great cosmic operation and constantly receive Our Presence to enable it.