Thursday, March 30th
Exodus 32:7-12. John 5:31-47

The Father's word is powerful to fulfil all He intends and purposes. All who are faithful to His Holy Name and to His loving purpose will come to their fulfilment and perfection according to His promises. So has it been down countless years and generations. So shall it be until the end of time.

I, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love have come into the world which He created and is continually creating to save and - with Our Holy Spirit - sanctify the sons of men and the whole creation. But the sons of men are free to accept the Father's gifts or to refuse them. So is it with His greatest gift of all, His saving, sanctifying gift to the sons of man.

I have come that all may have eternal life and have it in abundance. Turn, then, beloved of the Father and receive Our healing and enwholing love and through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit you will be perfected in due time, fulfilled and brought into the glorious presence of the Father in eternity.