Tuesday, July 4th
Amos 3:1-8.11-12. Matthew 8:23-27

You meet God daily, beloved of the Father, and so does every child of man. So shall it be until the world shall end. And He, the Father of each one, challenges and enables each to do His will in all that they encounter and all that he unfolds before them. And this is both joy and sorrow, sometimes fear and the anxiety of what may lie ahead, occasionally in the shock of dangerous encounter.

Remember, you are constantly in the loving Father's hands: He loved you into being and nothing but refusal of His love and wilful turning (from it) can separate you from His loving purpose. I, the Father's Love Incarnate speak the words of peace into every soul. Listen and respond in faith and love and self-giving. I am with you always - I, the Father's Love Incarnate.