Wednesday, July 19th
Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16. Matthew 25-27

Pray for knowledge of the Most High and for wisdom in the interpreting of it. Pray for obedience and faithfulness to it in the minutiae of daily living. You are constantly in the palm of your loving Heavenly Father's hand: He cares for you and sends His ministers of light to help and guide you. And when you stray or take a path He has not chosen for you or when you fall short of the quality of your high calling He restrains you, sometimes allowing you to suffer from the consequences of wrong choice as every loving parent does. As it is with the Father's beloved sons and daughters so is it with His family of nations. He calls each one and all together into the fellowship of everlasting love.

Be still and know that you will be brought into the fulness of Eternal Love as you continue faithful.