Wednesday, July 26th
Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10. Matthew 13:1-9

You are the harvest, beloved of the Father: I speak to all faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love. And there are countless numbers harvested in the Father's Kingdom of eternal life and light and love both in the present world and in the Nearer Presence of the Father.

But there is much to be done by the one and many of those alive today; prayer to be offered, things to be done according to the Father's will and loving purpose and in the power of Our indwelling. Light and strength are given in the way of faithfulness and obedience, forgiveness where there is a falling short of that which is required and new power to continue to the end. Each one has his unique identity and contribution, each welcomed to enjoy the harvest with Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the fulness of eternity.