Thursday, July 20th
Isaiah 28:7-9, 16-19. Matthew 11:28-33

You are given life and light and joy to glorify the Father and enter in the glory though your praise and thanksgiving of Him who has loved you into being. And through the light and in the power of the Father's glory you are enabled and empowered to learn His will and align yourself with His most glorious purpose for you and for His world - and for you in relationship with the one and many in His world. I speak to one, I speak to all

I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, have entered in the human situation and identified with it in the fulness of humanity in everything save sin And through My death and risen life I offer every child of man that which the Father yearns to give each one of his beloved sons and daughters, namely life in Him in the fulness o eternity. Humbly receive Our grace and power in the joy and glory of Our Holy Spirit.