Thursday, May 28th
Ascension Day
As He said this He was lifted up while they looked on and a cloud took Him from their sight
Acts 1:9

The Father made the world for joy and the whole creation glorified His Holy Name in its beauty and magnificence. And from the natural elements He brought forth man and breathed into his being the breath of life which offers him a share in His creation and a place in His eternal Kingdom. But from the beginning until now man has abused the power and independence the Father gives, setting at nought that glorious destiny the Father purposes for every one of His beloved children.

And for this cause I, the Beloved of the Father, was born into His world in true humanity and humility. I lived a human life in all its wonder and its challenge, with all its stress, demands and sadnesses. Above all, I met, through the offering of My perfect life and through My death, the power of sin and death to become between the Father and His beloved children. In Me is life and light and truth, through Me salvation and eternal life.

Those seeing Me and hearing My injunction at My "Ascension" knew that My Presence would be with them 'till the end of time, and that My victory was theirs and those who will receive it in ever place and time and generation.