Sunday, May 24th
Jesus said to His Disciples, When the Spirit of Truth comes He will lead you to the complete truth …..Ask and you will receive and so your joy will be complete"
John 16:13,24

All who are in Me and I in them I lead to fullness and perfection. Our Holy Spirit illumines every soul which seeks the truth, and leads it into knowledge, understanding, and the power to know and do the Father's will.

As understanding and commitment grow, so will perception of the Father's will - in every circumstance - according to the faithfulness. And so as each beloved follower calls upon My Name he will receive all that is necessary to become and do all that the Father wills and purposes.

Herein is joy, fulfilment, and perfection: to receive My saving love within the heart and mind, to know the Father's love and have commitment to it and to possess the light and power to follow faithfully through Our Holy Spirit and through My Indwelling Presence.