Wednesday, May 27th
John 16:12-15

All I said and did in My Incarnate life were for redemption and salvation. And My life laid down in faithfulness to this tremendous undertaking the Father gave back to Me when all was done. This life I offer every child of man who seeks to follow in the way We lead him. And he sees and knows the way We lead as he is faithful to the truth We speak within his heart and mind. So We enable him to pursue it as he desires the faithfulness. Even sin and failure are swallowed up through the power of My saving love and Our Indwelling as they are offered and relinquished.

The understanding of these things is not accomplished in a day. The human mind is limited, the heart slow to respond to that which calls the soul to new and unfamiliar places. Our Holy Spirit lights and guides the way the Father leads each beloved child of man who follows faithfully. And I, His Love Incarnate, enter the heart and mind, encompass and indwell, as room is made for My abiding Presence.