Saturday, May 2nd
Jesus said to His Disciples, "It is I. Do not be afraid."
John 6 21

All who are in Me and I in them may recognise My Presence in all that they encounter. I am present in their hearts and minds when they seek to simplify and purify their lives directing them from service of the self to seek the Father's will in all things. And as they meet the daunting task and demanding situation I am there, as I am sought and entertained.

I am present in all sadnesses and setbacks, seeking to make point and purpose of all befalling those committed to the Father's will. His love is over all, and through the light and power of Our Holy Spirit and My Indwelling, joy follows sadness, and fulfilment for all who follow faithfully.

And when the last day comes and darkness falls on this world's scene let there be faith and trust that I who have progressed the soul along life's way will lead the faithful follower into the light and joy of everlasting day in the Presence of the Father and the whole company of Heaven.