Friday, May 1st
Jesus said, "Whatsoever you ask for in My Name I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the son. If you ask anything in My Name I will do it"
John 14:14

The Father gave to Me the task to bring all things to perfection and so I do. Through My saving love and through the power of My Indwelling all who seek to follow in the way of love and truth and righteousness are progressed and perfected as they follow faithfully. Our Holy Spirit lights the way and guides the faithfully committed; and the Father's love is over all.

All committed to the Father's will and loving purpose increasingly perceive their place and part in it as they continue faithful. And they receive all that is necessary to contribute to the work and witness of His Kingdom where they are as they live in Me and I in them. And as the work is done, their witness made, so is the Father glorified, His love made visible and powerful increasingly within his Kingdom.

And all who call upon My Name I save and sanctify, lead and progress with Father and with Holy Spirit in time and through eternity.