Thursday, December 31st
Children, these are the last days…. You have been anointed by the Holy One ....... It is not because you do not know the truth that I am writing to you
but because you know it already
1 John 2

Nothing is understood without the knowledge, and nothing is known without it being given. He who receives the Word of Life and lets that Word build him in heart and mind becomes a vessel for the outpouring of the Father's love according to the measure of his faithfulness. And as the faithful soul hollows himself out to become the place of Our Indwelling, so he fulfils the Father's will and loving purpose both for himself and for his fellowmen,

Seek, then, the guiding and the illumination of Our Holy Spirit above all things, and the power of discipline and of obedience. Herein is light and the enabling for the accomplishing of those things the Father, in His infinite love, designed and purposed.

Millions form ages past and countless millions yet to be born will come to their fulfilment at the end of time through faithfulness and in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. Only those who turn from truth and love, denying the claims on their humanity, will fail to find fulfilment in eternal life.