Saturday, December 19th

The Father's faithfulness is echoed in the faithfulness of His beloved children who have responded to His call and followed in the way we led and guided and enabled. So was it down the ages before My Incarnate days, so has it been down countless ages since. And My Incarnate life revealed perfection in obedience, and faithfulness of those children of the Father's love who made My redemptive offering possible. So vital is obedience and faithfulness for all who seek the truth and power to walk in it.

Integrity of mind and purity of heart are gifts to all who seek the truth and power to walk in it. And they are given as each child of man reacts to truth and pursues a singleness of heart and mind in all his comings and his going day by day. For we are there to illumine and empower as We are sought and entertained. So light and power increase as they are sought, and through their increase liberation to fulfil the Father's will and loving purpose.

Seek then and find, follow and be fulfilled in all these things the Father wills and purposes.