Thursday, December 24th
Zechariah said, "Blessed is the Lord for He has visited His people. He has come to their rescue and He has raised up for us a power of salvation …. To give light to those who live in darkness and the shadow of death and to guide Our feet into the way of peace."
Luke 1:67 -79

The Lord of Heaven and earth, who is the source of all that is or was or ever shall be, has given a light and power to all the sons of men who seek their soul's salvation. The light has shone, the power offered from the beginning and will continue 'till the end of time. In the constraint of human years that light, the Son of Man - the Son of Righteousness and Prince of Peace, Beloved Son of Almighty Father - took on the flesh and spirit of humanity. And He was born in Bethlehem.

His life and ministry, suffering and death, His resurrection and the power of His risen life, together form that light and power for all who seek salvation. I am that light and power, and I challenge, confront in righteousness and love, liberate, progress and lead to fullness and perfection in the Father's Presence at the end of time.