Tuesday, December 22nd
Luke 1:46-54

Let the outpouring of the Father's love be the opportunity for the souls of all the faithful to overflow with joy and thankfulness. So will the Father be adored and worshipped, and I will be received in heart and mind, from that place within the soul I will inform the mind, enlarge the heart, and rule increasingly in love.

For this the Father sent Me to His glorious world for this obediently and lovingly I came to redeem and save and through the light and power of Our Holy Spirit to progress and sanctify.

So do I constantly come as I am sought, invited, welcomed and accommodated at the soul's centre. And where I come I cleanse and strengthen, fortify and challenge into action. Through My indwelling and light and power of Our Holy Spirit the faithful follower is led to seek and to discover the Father's will and loving purpose.

In lowliness and poverty I came into the world of man, in pain and sadness left it. Such was the nature and the pattern of Our victorious love. Identify with Love Incarnate in all things as you are led and guided and you will know the joy of Love Triumphant.