Wednesday, December 2nd
Jesus called His Disciples and said, "I have compassion on the multitude because they have been with Me three days….
I will not send them away fasting lest they faint in the way."
Matthew 15:32

The Father in His infinite love has designed His world to make provision for all His children in all things material and spiritual. But He has made their progress and maturity dependent on each other. And so it is incumbent on each child of man to care and work for the well-being of the one and of the many as he is able and lovingly directed. The suffering and deprivation of so many grieves the Heavenly Father, and He calls to account each child of man as to his contribution to the alleviation of the suffering of his fellow men. Each one must take his due responsibility as he is led and guided. And he must pray for guidance and for the ways and means to make his contribution.

And so it is with spiritual needs. I, the Father's Word from the beginning, approach each child of man and seek to dwell within his heart and mind. I offer him all that is necessary in spiritual sustenance as he reacts in faith and trust to My approaches. And I challenge and encourage him to grow in love and faithfulness to his loving Heavenly Father and to his fellow men through Our light and guiding and in the power of My Indwelling.