Tuesday, August 4th
When he local people recognised Him they spread the news through the whole neighbourhood and took all that were sick to Him … And those who touched even the fringe of His garment were completely cured
Matthew 14:13-14
Jesus summoned His twelve Disciples and gave them authority … to cure all kinds of diseases and sickness
Matthew 10:1

I am the Father's love, His power for healing and His way to wholeness for His whole creation. All who are in Me I bring to wholeness and perfection in the fullness of the Father's time and according to His loving purpose. Pray for that wholeness which the Father seeks for you and for the family of man. Identify with Me in caring for the Father's suffering world and be My ready agent in its healing.
As I commissioned My Disciples in My Incarnate life to bring the Father's healing love to all so do I send My followers now into the Father's suffering world. As they remain in Me and seek Our Holy Spirit's light and leading so will they know to whom We send them. And Our healing and enwholing love will bring those who are seeking it into the Father's Kingdom and to the fullness and the wholeness which they seek.