Thursday, August 13th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Remember the words I said to you, 'a servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you too."
John 15:20

Seek the Father's will in all things and My strength with which to do it. So will Our Holy Spirit light and guide your way as you continue faithful. But you will find hostility and opposition as you pursue your way in faithfulness. Pureness of heart and singleness of mind will keep you in the way and will bring you to fulfilment in the power of My saving, sanctifying love. And through the power of My Indwelling the Father's loving purpose will be fulfilled.

Look constantly at how in My Incarnate life I countered opposition and through My suffering and death redeemed mankind. No human mind can fully comprehend the mystery of vicarious suffering but every faithful soul can identify in love and in self-giving with My eternal sacrifice.

All who have shared the crown of thorns with Me will share the crown of life with all the faithful: and they will know the joy which has no ending in the Father's Presence in eternity.