Saturday, August 1st
Jesus said to His Disciples, "You are the salt of the earth…..You are the light of the world……….Your light must shine in the sight of men so that seeing your good work whey may give praise to your Heavenly Father
Matthew 5:13-16

I came to earth, suffered, died and rose again that every child of man might have that life abundant the Father gives to everyone responding to His Word. I am the Father's Word Incarnate, the perfect pattern for humanity and man's redemptive offering to the Father. Each follower of Mine who knows My Saving Name offers It to the Father both for himself and for the many who seek to follow in the way without knowledge of my saving love. They too are members of the Father's Kingdom and I minister to them as they pursue their way in faithfulness to that which they perceive the good and true. For them I also died: so are the fruits of My redemption available and vibrant in their lives as they continue faithful.

Some there are in every time and people who glorify the Father through their witness to Our word within their hearts and minds and in their lives. But those who know My Name and have experienced My saving love may lose their life if they renege on faithfulness. All who glorify the Father through the integrity of their witness and the beauty of their lives witness to My Saving Name.