Friday, August 28th
We ourselves have known and put out faith in God's love towards ourselves
1 John 4:16

That which I gave to My beloved followers in My Incarnate life, taken and enshrined for all times in Holy Record, is for all people of all times and places. So is that which is revealed in countless people in every generation which witnesses to love as I revealed it in My life and ministry and teaching.

Let every child of man who lives today seek the truth in depth, for it is written in his heart and mind, in circumstance and Holy Writ, in history and relationship. And let each child of man perceive that without love for God and for his fellow men he is not fully human. Love is the sum and substance and measure of all things. The Father's love, incarnately revealed in Me through Our Holy Spirit, gives life and meaning and reality in all that is.

But it must be desired and sought, entertained and responded to as it is given. And it becomes both challenge and fulfilment in each beloved follower in the way, uniting each to the loving Heavenly Father and to his fellow men. I am the Father's saving love, uniting all who will to Him and to each other.

And at the end of time I will present the faithful to the Father, there to rejoice for evermore.