Monday, August 24th
Jesus said to Nathanael, "I tell you most solemnly, you will see Heaven laid open and above the Son of Man the angels of God ascending and descending"
John 1:51

As it was for the faithful in My Incarnate life so is it for all who seek the Father's will and do it in the power of His love.

Virtue, insight, understanding and obedience are given to all the faithful and the true of heart as they proceed along the way. I am the way, the power of the Father's love and the means to all fulfilment in the Father. Our Holy Spirit illumines and enlightens: He pours light upon the path and brings love and understanding to the heart and mind.

And this is power and glory in the Father's world. The faithfully committed see it increasingly as they progress in faith and love. Setbacks and failures, sin and sadnesses are swallowed up as I am welcomed and established in the soul. The whole created universe proclaims the glory of the Father with the whole company of Heaven. So is it with the Son and Holy Spirit.