Saturday, August 31st
Matthew 25:14ff

Readiness for the hour is to be found in desiring the Father's will in all things and seeking His way of accomplishing it. It is to be found first in earnest prayer in Me and through Our loving Holy Spirit. Our will and purpose that all proceeds is greater far than man's desires or efforts, so how can it be but that the Father's will be done in those things committed to Him ? Do not be anxious. He who has begun a good work in you will further it and bring all things to their fulfilment. Put your trust in Him, commit your way to Him in all things and offer to Him in love and prayer all those with whom you have to do in everything. And all things shall be well.

Discern the pattern of the universe, observe the rhythm of the skies. Consider all the things you experience daily, all that has gone to make your past. How much of that has happened through your own efforts? What is your contribution to the world about you? How far has all you are and do affected it?

Let it not worry you that you have done so little, but be aware of your potential as you harness your whole being to Our love and to the Father's will and purpose. Herein is your fulfilment and perfection.