Monday, August 26th

Let all who suffer pain in body or in mind unite all that they are and all that they suffer with Me and with My Saving Love. So shall I share the pain and they the saving act of My redemption. This is the Father's will and loving purpose for them and for His glorious world.

Perfection for all things in love and joy is the destiny of all except those of the Father's children who will it otherwise. This is Our sadness until time shall end that those who choose their own perdition must follow where their choice directs them. But all who strive for truth and wholeness for themselves and others, and those who tried but failed through weakness and constant falling, these shall be perfected at the last through My eternal offering.

And all who suffer for My Name's Sake or through occasional or persistent pain of mind and body, mindful of the great mystery which I have named - let them identify with Me in all they suffer. So will they be progressed, perfected and fulfilled, and they know when all is done that all they suffered and endured had point and purpose in the Father's plan for human kind.