Thursday, August 1st
St Alphonsus Liguor
Jesus said to His Disciples, "You are the salt of the earth ….you are the light of the world …. Your light must shine in the sight of men, so that seeing your good works they may give the praise to your Father in Heaven."
Matthew 513-16

The loving Heavenly Father creates each child of man from nothing. And nothing he remains until Our loving Holy Spirit enters him, bringing Our vibrant life and light and love. As each child responds to Our approaches, and through Our love and light and life in others, so does he grow into that wholeness and perfection the Father purposed for him before time was. Such are Our faithful ones, but all who travel on the road of life are part of this great enterprise.

And I, the Father's Son and Love Incarnate, became man's saviour for every one whoever lived or ever will. I am companion, brother, friend and constant guide as I am sought and entertained.

And as each turns to love and trust and faithfulness so do I become the salt and light in him, and with Our Holy Spirit bring others to the Father through his witness and his faithfulness.