Wednesday, August 14th
Jesus said, "I tell you solemnly, if two of you on earth agree to ask anything at all, it will be granted you by My Father in Heaven. For where two or three meet in My Name, I shall be there with them."
Matthew 18:19-20

Desire the Father's will in all things and it shall be given you. The Father has designed His world for joy, the human race for full participation in His glorious world. Each child He brings into existence to know and be His love, uniquely growing into His loving purpose both for the child himself and for community. Each one is precious and He tends and cares for him as though there were no other.

And I, the Father's Son, am one with Him in all things. In love I was with Him before worlds were created, for love I entered man's condition, and through love I offer My victorious life, making it possible for erring, sinful man to know an be the Father's love, and the fulfilment of His purpose for them.

So shall I not be with each beloved child of man who seeks fulfilment of the Father's glorious purpose? And as I am in each so am I in all, uniting all who witness to the Father's love, progressing all who seek the Father's will.

Listen, look and see My Presence and rejoice. Be sure that you will know the Father's will as you are faithful, and it will be done as He desires and purposes.