Saturday, August 3rd
St John Vianney
Jesus made a tour through all the town and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Good news of the Kingdom and curing all kinds of diseases and sickness
Matthew 9:35

The Father has created all for joy and for perfection. And man He has created to enjoy and participate in the creation of the human world, in time to be the first fruits of His new creation and in eternity to share the joys of Heaven.

I, the Heavenly Father's Beloved Son, entered the human world to show for all times the perfect human model. Through all the stages of the human life I travelled and experienced all the joys and pains which man endures. Only old age I did not know because man's evil choice prevented me, and sin I fought and overcame for every man whoever lived. Sin I encountered but never entertained.

And through My life and death and resurrection I have renewed the Father's glorious creation which man had spoiled, and offer it in hope and promise to generations yet to come. To receive and enter it each child of man needs but to look and listen hard and long to that which he hears at his heart's centre, and to respond in love and faith and trust.

And as each soul takes to himself Our saving, sanctifying love, so is he commissioned to become Our healing and Our wholeness to others, and Our joy to all who travel in the way.