Monday, June 30th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Love in most men will grow cold,
but the man who stays firm to the end will be saved"
Mathew 24:13

How may he stand firm save through the power of Our Holy Spirit and the strength of Our loving Presence? And how may that be sustained save by the humble but firm commitment of heart and mind? Yet even that may only be achieved through a constant, willed orientation of heart and mind to the loving purpose of the Father's perfect will.

If the life to which each and every child of the Father is called is patently demanding, always reaching for new achievement and perfection, never returning to past areas or situations, yet it is not hard to identify for the single-minded. Strengthened and fortified by Our love and Our staying power the pure in heart increasingly possess the vision of perfection.

So do they progress to the haven where they would be - the presence of their loving Heavenly Father - in the power of My saving love and of Our sanctifying grace.